Strategy-the “X’s and O’s”-goes a long way in making a difference in the way teams play games. But culture is the difference between teams that are good and those that are great.
Strategy-the “X’s and O’s”-goes a long way in making a difference in the way teams play games. But culture is the difference between teams that are good and those that are great.
Our mission is to understand society through sports. In doing so the NYUSSP has three key audiences (1) academics including especially students and young people (2) influencers, movers and shakers in the world of sports and (3) fans and the interested public.
To achieve its mission the program has three objectives:
1) Engage in the public examination of sports from multiple academic, cultural, legal and business perspectives,
2) Connect with key decision makers and influencers in the sports sector to initiate conduct a broad and timely dialogue on what sports mean to our and other societies and determine what the range of its potential is as an instrument of social change,
3) Create opportunities for both rapid and sustained analysis that demonstrates sports’ capability as both a learning tool and a topic for interdisciplinary research.
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